Below is a listing of sites that allow you
to post a link to your site free of charge.
TIP#1: FFA stands for Free For All, however in some cases Free For All can only apply to
sites related to the site you are posting on. For example an FFA site with a Webmaster theme may only allow links related
to webmasters. Reading posting guidlines and rules is a sure fire way to avoid any mix ups, and ensures that your
link does not get deleted.
TIP#2: Some FFA pages do not provide a space for you to write a description. This
leaves merely the lonely title of your site to be displayed. If space for a description is not provided add a
short description at the end of your title prior to posting.
WEB MASTERS-Your one stop resource for site promotion and creation.
When posting to FFA pages its a very good idea to use a spare email address. This is an important
tip, because posting to alot of ffa pages will cause your mailbox to fill up with confirmation emails. If you have posted
to FFAs before you know exactly what I mean. If you have not posted to an FFA before take my advice and don't use your
main email address.
Happy posting!